Tipsy Tías

Episode 3.5 - Dear Tías...(SuperFestive!)



CN: more sex, swearing, mentions of homophobia from family, mentions of biphobia from family, use of slurs, drinking, bad tinder experiences, mentions of drug use We know you just couldn’t get enough of us last week so we’re coming at you with a PART 2. Bigger, Badder, and even TIPSIER. This week your favorite Tias get extra real and share a little bit more of their more *~emotional~* side. From roots and dramatic 14 year old queer realizations to tinder date disasters at Raising Cane’s, this episode is sure to have something for ya. Please note that the ending is messy because we are messy (and ran out of space on the memory card whoops) so that cliffhanger is artsy and intentional :^) Hope you all enjoy this bonus 1 hour episode! Let us know what you think! Disclaimer: we are in no way qualified to give advice for anything so please don't take what we say seriously XOXOXO love you