Magician On Duty Podcast Series

Wassim Younes Is Magician on Duty



Wassim Younes is an experience. He is a state of mind. He is the transporter of minds and souls to an amazing frantic paradise that, while leaving you knackered, strangely also leaves you feeling re-invigorated. At 6ft tall and broad-shouldered, a chunky ostentatious bracelets around his arms, and immaculate dress sense ,he makes an imposing figure who commands respect. Yet, he is not dancing; this is something far more emotional. Imagine watching a couple having hot, rough, yet passionate but dominating sex to a breathless, wailing lover which, in this case, comes in the shape of a mixing desk. Forceful, dominant, yet always tender and caring. The visual impact allows your body to further immerse itself in the ecstasy he is submitting you to; your ears alone cannot possibly absorb everything that he is throwing at you. As for his sound, imagine every track as a partially completed canvas. Through the use of effects on the mixing desk, he adds his own color, texture and feel as he maximizes every beat of ever