Ida Podcast

One-to-one: The Performance Development Interview (English Version)



Coming from Italy, the concept of a one-to-one conversation with the manager about personal development and goals seemed quite exotic to Simone. But as every expat working and living in Denmark, he was faced with the MUS - The Performance Development Interview. In this podcast we take a close look at the MUS and how to prepare for it. Web architect and developer Simone Leomanni talks about his first MUS, and career counselor Morten Esmann gives advice on how to prepare for it. WITH Simone Leomanni, Co Founder and CTO presso Web & Coffee ApS ( Morten Esmann, career counselor at The Danish Society of Engineers, IDA ( IDA Podcast is produced by the Danish Society of Engineers, IDA in collaboration with Brain Gain Group. Sound design: Sven Timo Borg Producer & host: Bo Aagaard Lange SHOW NOTES Denmark is known for its flat management culture. In this video, produced for expats by Living Institute and IDA, consultant Nivedita Ramulu Eskesen reviews cultural challenges and t