Multiple Calls Podcast

Multiple Calls - Episode 15 - Mike Tesarski



Mike is a Captain assigned to a Special Operations Team in one of the largest cities in Canada. Mike brings 20 years of operational rescue and command experience through his heavy involvement in technical rope, confined space, vehicle and trench rescue teams. He has also has been a clinically active paramedic for over two decades and has worked part time as a Critical Care Flight Paramedic on the helicopters in Toronto for the past 15 years. Being a flight medic has exposed him to many complex and prolonged rescue incidents including heavy vehicle, trench, collapse, and machine entrapment. Being involved in these incidents has taught him the importance of tact, discretion, and diplomacy while dealing with allied agencies in a super high-stress environment. His passion for learning Auto Extrication has had him compete at a world level on his city’s extrication team. These competitions have taught him skills for Rescue but more so about being a member of a high functioning group and sharing and learning f