San Diego News Fix

Retiring Asst. DA Had Launched Secret Investigation Into His Daughter's Ex | Greg Moran



Late last year just weeks before he retired, former San Diego County Assistant District Attorney Jesse Rodriguez ordered a secret investigation — using district attorney staff — into the ex-boyfriend of his daughter, who was locked in a contentious custody dispute over their infant son. The inquiry began in early November and appears to have lasted until the week before Christmas, according to internal documents obtained from the District Attorney’s Office under the state Public Records Act that outline the probe. The records show that Chief Deputy Dominic Dugo directed the investigation using a senior investigator, Tony Giralamo. The probe focused on finding evidence through the state Employment Development Department for a charge of fraud or perjury related to an unemployment claim filed in early 2017 by the former boyfriend, 44-year-old Nathaniel Moore, who was referred to in one of the emails as “our target.” Story: