San Diego News Fix

Court Martial: Gallagher Found Not Guilty Of War Crimes



Navy SEAL Chief Edward Gallagher was acquitted Tuesday on all murder charges, witness intimidation charges, and assault charges related to a 2017 deployment in Iraq. “I’m happy. I’m thankful. Thank God for freedom,” Gallagher said in a press conference after the verdict. A seven member jury panel, made up of Marines and two sailors, acquitted Gallagher on all but one count in one of the most closely watched military trials in the country. The jury convicted Gallagher on a single count related to Gallagher taking pictures alongside an Iraqi fighter’s corpse, which is the kind of charge that carries a maximum punishment of four months, court observers said. The jury is still deliberating punishment for that charge, which could potentially result in a loss of rank. Sentencing in the case resumes Wednesday morning. Story: