Wise Women Conversations

Balancing Your Chakras_Part 1



In this week's episode of Wise Women Conversations podcast I share with you some recordings that I created a few months ago about the Chakras - what they are, how do you know if they are out of balance and how you can re-balance them. In this episode I cover the Root and Sacral Chakras and I will cover the rest of the chakras over the next few weeks. The Root Chakra is a our base chakra and is all about stability in our body and our life and having a sense of safety. When our Root Chakra is out of balance we might experience issues with our hips, knees and ankles or our adrenal glands. I also share with you specific foods, essential oils, meditations and crystals that will help you to re-balance your Root Chakra. The Sacral Chakra is the next chakra that I cover in this episode, this chakra is about fun and creativity and affects your reproductive organs and sexuality. You will learn the best foods to eat along with a beautiful meditation that will help you to re-balance this chakra. I also announce the v