Wise Women Conversations

Minding Your Money



Our money beliefs can impact so many different areas of our lives including our health and often we are not even aware that this is happening. In this week's episode of Wise Women Conversations I chat with Money Coach Jane Walters. Jane was a Financial Advisor for many years until she realised that while she was giving her clients the best advice it was their beliefs around money that was stopping them from getting the financial freedom that they desired. Jane then decided to become a coach so that she could help her clients to address their beliefs around money. Many women in midlife were bought up to believe that money doesn't grow on trees and that it was the husband's role to provide financially for the family while the wife raised the children. While this is likely not how we are living our lives today, those belief systems are still embedded somewhere in the sub-conscious mind and might be impacting your financial decisions today. It is not uncommon for women in mid-life to not have enough super