Wise Women Conversations

Looking after your brain as you age



Many women are afraid of deteriorating brain health as they age, this is particularly significant for women who have had a parent with dementia or Alzheimer's Disease. This week is Alzheimers Disease Awareness week so I thought I would talk about what you an do to improve your brain health and reduce your risk of neuro-cognitive diseases. I share with you 10 things that you can do to reduce your risk of Alzheimer's Disease or dementia. The earlier that you address these 10 things the more likely you will remain healthy and alert as you grow older. It is believed that there is a window of opportunity between 40 and 50 where women can prevent the progression of neuro-degeneration. We know that women are more likely to experience neuro-degeneration than men and now there is research being done to see the role that menopause plays as well. This research is showing that there is a hormonal switch that occurs as oestrogen starts to drop that increases the risk of Alzheimer's Disease. That doesn't mean that t