Shut Your Monkey

04Creative Targets - Stefan Sagmeister



Why does the monkey hate when you make create something new? This episode will dig into it. First, I talk about creativity and how the monkey loves to hate it, meddling with your creative process and throwing up blocks. Then I am joined by this week’s guest, the rock-star of graphic design, Stefan Sagmeister.  I’ve known Stefan for about fifteen years and every time we chat I come up away excited, impressed and inspired.  He first became famous for a poster he designed in which he carved all the type into his chest with a razor blade. That shocking experiment was typical of an artist who breaks boundaries left and right. His work for clients like Levis, the Guggenheim, Red Bull, Jay Z, the Olympics, the Rolling Stones, have won every design award and  two Grammies. He has published several gorgeous and mind-bending books (and his sketchbooks are included in my book, An Illustrated Life), and he is a legend to designers everywhere. Every seven years, Stefan closes his studio for a year to recharge his batterie