Shut Your Monkey

10Impossible — Jennifer Louden



Last week, I felt a little harried and overwhelmed and the podcast was rushed and missing some good bits so I hope to make up for it this week with lots of interesting stuff. Our main topic will be how the monkey tries to define our lives in completely unrealistic ways.  This week's guest is Jennifer Louden, the bestselling author and personal growth pioneer. If you like the conversation, I urge to to download a free copy of her great new book. Click here for your free copy of How to Follow Through on Your Creative Desire by Jennifer Louden  Monkey of the Week: The Utopian. It’s that voice that says: "Your life could be so perfect, so much better than this if only you would listen to me. Instead, it sucks and so do you." The Utopian is wrong and we'll discuss how to make things a lot more rosy. Monkey Tale: Susanna is related to her monkey and she's been family for far too long.  What’s your experience with your monkey? How has it affected you, and how have you overcome it? Record your Monkey Tale at dannygre