1, 2, Many: Veteran Suicide With Timothy Lawson

067: Attack the Weakness (Momentary Reflections)



When I was 17, I was diagnosed with Hodgkins. It was my senior year of high school. Oddly enough, it was the perfect time for me to go through this. My body was strong enough to endure the drugs but new enough to get a clean start when it was all over. Since my bout with cancer, I have done a pretty good job of staying healthy. I do not get sick very often. Occasionally, my chest will get congested or I'll deal with a stuffy nose for a day, but I'm never more than "under the weather." Over the past decade, I have taken on a stronger defense against illness. When I wake up feeling symptoms, I attack them immediately. I do everything I can to clear out my system, replenish nutrients, and maintain rest, hydration, and activity. And it works. To finish this post, listen to the podcast or go to One2ManyProject.com/ep67