Worlds Of Wayne

Worlds of Wayne Episode 15



Two turntables and a microphone... In this episode DJ/Producer Josh One joins me via phone. You may have heard some of his stuff while getting sweaty in the SoCal club scene or on television shows such as CSI New York, CSI Miami, Queer As Folk, or commercials for Acura and Scion. "I'd like to thank the Academy..." The nominees are in for the Omaha Entertainment Awards and I was surprised to find that I was nominated in the Arts category. My band Anonymous American is up for two - Americana and Rock. "You like me! You really like me!" Hey Fat-ass! I've been on a diet and exercise program for the past couple weeks. Did you know if you eat less and move around more - you will loose weight?!? So far I've dropped 9 pounds. That's like, baby size... ewww. Yes, I am full of crap... Useless trivia. It's fun, and useless, but you will always have something to say at a party. Chicks dig smart guys. Too bad you will never remember this stuff when you're drunk. Music: Ray Charles Remix - Josh One H