Worlds Of Wayne

Worlds of Wayne Episode 21



Dorks, Nerds and Geeks...oh my!No, the picture you see is not me. But it is my pal back in the early 80's. We thought we were funny, but alas, we were dorks. So what makes a dork, nerd or geek? What are you? This episode, I talk about this unholy trinity and how we all have a bit of each buried deep inside...Take the test!Find out exactly what you are. Follow the link below and see what percentage of geek, nerd or dork you are. Write your name in Elvish in ten minutes. Why wouldn't you!? Follow this link to learn how to write your name among other things in this most magical of languages. Chicks dig pointy ears. Get that can of spray paint and tag your neighborhood with your own personal middle earth signature! Unless the cops are dwarves, they'll never catch you. MusicFace to Face - "You've Done Nothing"Little Brazil - "Used To Think"Adam Weaver and the Ghosts - "Let's Go"LinksTAKE THE GEEK TEST HEREGeekculture.comWrite in Elvish - score some chicks!Little Brazil on MyspaceAdam Weaver and the Ghosts on Myspa