Smash Fiction

32 - Ash Ketchum vs. Jurassic Park (feat. Joshua Taulbee and Spike)



As an undisputed master of catching them all (even the deadly and mysterious 151st) a bored Ash Ketchum simply can't resist the lure of an entire island populated by exotic and new species (or rather, very old species). Unfortunately for Ash, by the time he arrives, the power has gone out, the electric fences are offline, and the genetically engineered dinosaurs of Jurassic Park are rampaging straight into combat against Ash and his six diversely-powered Pokemon. Raptors and severed arms fly everywhere as a Japanese cartoon fight song blares in the background, and the battle is joined! The hosts of the SupNerds podcast, Taulbee and Spike, guest star as Smash Fiction attempts to determine whether Ash will successfully add "Dinosaur Types" to his collection, or if Jurassic Park can get #LifeFindsAWay trending worldwide.