Smash Fiction

38 - Daenerys Targaryen vs. Mordor (feat. Natasha Kingston and MeganBob)



Twenty years after the original publication of A Game of Thrones, it's finally happened (well, in Smash Fiction continuity, at least): Daenerys Targaryen is, at long last, sailing home to Westeros! Now is the time for justice, for vengeance, for fire and bloo--wait, that doesn't look like Westeros. In general, Westeros tends to be less of a barren wasteland riddled with fire, ash and dust...I mean, things can get pretty bad there, but I don't think you could say that the very air you breathe is a poisonous fume or anything. Yes, Dany has arrived at the land of Mordor (where the shadows fall -- it is known) and quickly decides that it must be brought down (that's what Daenerys Targaryen hates, so carefully, carefully, with the slaves). Dany has come, once again, as a a conqueror, but can her Unsullied army, brilliant tacticians, and non-Tolkien-style dragons successfully overcome the full strength of the hordes of Sauron, the Lord of the Rings? Featuring Dan's Dothraki accent (yes, we've moved on to offending