Smash Fiction

40 - Kefka vs. Sephiroth



Where do bad folks go when they die? Well, if they're the most fiendish and depraved villains of the inaptly-named Final Fantasy franchise, it seems that they are consigned to an eternity of punishment with the confines of the dying arcade game system! Kefka, the other clown-faced psychopath, and Sephiroth, one-winged king of the unadvisable Google image search, come to blows amongst the smoking ruins of Mystara, the original Dungeons and Dragons game world, to see who can rule over, or simply murder, it's helpless inhabitants. Can Dan and Colin successfully demonstrate the principle of More Crazy = More Win? Will Liz and Kit's hair-and-perfume-based arguments prevail? Is Miles even listening to any of this? And...wait, how the hell did you get in here, sports?