Smash Fiction

44 - Lucille Bluth vs. Malory Archer (feat. Anton Balane)



Poor Kenneth Parcell. Ever since he took over as president of NBC, he's had to bend over backwards in order to keep the network afloat. It's not enough that he's had to rent out office space on the top floor of 30 Rock to both a real estate company as well as a quasi-legal cadre of secret agents, but now he finds himself pulling double duty as an executive assistant to the respective heads of those two companies, Lucille Bluth and Malory Archer! Both of these women have decided that THEY will be the one to break the perpetually cheerful Kenneth, but will it be Lucille who ultimately arrests his development, or will Malory put out a burn notice... on Kenneth's self-esteem? Anton Balane from Project Fandom and the Unspoiled! series of podcasts joins this gin-soaked tribute to the extraordinary Jessica Walter.