Sixth World Podcast

Ep 026 - Seelie Court w/ Opti



  Enter the enchanted world of the fae and learn about the mysteries of the Seelie Court in Shadowrun. Nothing is ever quite as it seems, and our favorite Crow Shaman, Opti, helps guide us. Chit-Chat / Catching Up BOBBY - New door, last Actual Play session, and website comments. News / Stuff Sixth World Podcast is one year old! Q&A Daniel Barkum - How do you handle distance when out comes to hosts? When I read the description in the core rulebook it says that hosts have no physical location, but that on the matrix it seems to have a location related to a physical one but with a distance to the "ground" related to its importance. That doesn't really make sense to me though. Distance increases the noise, so the more important a host is the higher the noise rating will be for anyone to get in? Seems a bit harsh… Cory Barnes - Hey Bobby, Cassie, and anyone else out there, I hope all is well in your lives. I want to preface my question with a brief background, I've been a consistent listener to many podca