Sixth World Podcast

Ep 030 - Shapeshifters w/ Patrick Goodman



We discuss shapeshifters in the sixth world of the Shadowrun tabletop rpg. Learn what they are, how they integrate with the world, and how to get started creating one. Chit-Chat / Catching Up BOBBY - Bojangles' Baked, Fried, Frozen, Thawed, and Re-Baked Turkey! News / Stuff We are taking live calls next show! Be on the Discord server to join in! Q&A Ross D’Souza (PATRON) - The rulebooks are generally centred around the American continent and hence also the stats are focused with that in mind. Would you change or tweak anything if you were basing a campaign in a different place? What areas would you consider and think about. I was wondering on your opinions as I've just started running a game (first Shadowrun GMing! - so many rules!) based around the London Sprawl and Cambridge (as we are all British). We decided to tweak the weapon availability ratings as weapons in UK are currently pretty much illegal and we wanted to continue this feeling through to the Sixth W