Win Your Battles Leadership Podcast

E08- Go From Hobby to High-End Business with Veteran Entrepreneur Jimmy Compton



A lot of people think finding business opportunities is difficult. But the truth is that it can be pretty easy, if you know what to look for. What do you look for? Simple: a problem. When you find a problem someone is willing to pay money to fix, you may be on to a great business opportunity. Today I interview my friend and fellow war veteran Jimmy Compton (from the war in Iraq, not Afghanistan as I said in the episode).  Jimmy enjoyed creating leather goods for himself, but when one of his creations got shared on Instagram it blew up like a firestorm on social media and he was off to the races in his own high-end leather goods company. What do you do that people will want to pay for or enjoy? SHOW NOTES: Find Jimmy at: and on Instagram @thepropergentleman  Become a Master Communicator so more people will listen at: Simplify Your Marketing Message So More Customers Respond & Get Your Team on the Same Page: