Young Entrepreneur Lifestyle 2.0

YEL 172 - The 6 Proven Pillars of Growing and Scaling a Million Dollar Business



Episode show notes. Are you burning the candle at both ends and still not seeing results? Not enough people are experiencing freedom. No matter the hustle, the grind, the immense amount of work they put in, it just doesn’t cut it - the results they want simply aren’t there. Remember the college dropout who was dead broke and blindly jumped into business? He worked way too hard he realized the business he owns ended up owning him. That was me. When it became clear that complete freedom was what I wanted so I can be with my family and live the lifestyle I want, that’s when the game changed. I created a roadmap anchored by my new mentality and my clearer focus and unwavering determination: a 6-step formula I used for years that helped me BRAND and SCALE my business. How much longer will you let your body work 50 to 60 hours per week until it tells you it has reached its maximum capacity? When you realize freedom and your well-being are so much more important than money, that’s when you develop a mindset and a st