Young Entrepreneur Lifestyle 2.0

YEL 176 - How to Master Self Awareness & Truly Know Yourself



Episode show notes. How well do you know yourself? We are all biased creatures, especially when it comes to ourselves. We may think we know who are, but it’s really only on the surface level.  Do you know what can reveal who you really are? Your innate core values. If you can determine what your innate core values are, you can begin mastering self awareness and start having improved relationships with people around you. Why? Because when you have mastered self awareness, you’ll start being comfortable putting yourself in other’s perspectives to better understand them during both their positive and negative moments. If you can get your “scores” based on your core values, you’ll be able to hit your BIGGEST BREAKTHROUGH which can be a GAME CHANGER for you. This podcast is based on the CVI test which helps companies and individuals make their highest contribution possible. The CVI is a word-choice format human assessment that uses strategic and tactical values to reveal a person’s innate nature. You can take the