Young Entrepreneur Lifestyle 2.0

YEL 194 - How to Make Millions During a Market Crash feat Robert Kiyosaki



Episode show notes. Are you handcuffed to the idea that you need a job to be wealthy? While traditional education sets an early foundation for your literacy, it does not make you competent to make informed decisions that involve all your financial resources. Without a know-what and a know-how, you’ll find yourself 70 years old and still living the most average life, if not broke.  And with a pandemic that continues to threaten the dollar and puts us in a deep recession, how do you intend to survive without so much as financial education? Robert Kiyosaki, author of best-selling personal finance book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, gets in-depth with Peter Voogd about how the book came to be. Robert is an investor, entrepreneur, and a celebrated financial literacy advocate. Robert Kiyosaki sold over 40 million copies of his Rich Dad, Poor Dad financial book series which changed the way tens of millions of people view and use money. He is known for his compelling communication style which appeals to all ages, making him a N