Young Entrepreneur Lifestyle 2.0

YEL 196 - How the Top 1% Adapts & Pivots During Economic Crashes Part 2



Episode show notes. Is lockdown anxiety keep you from picking up the sport of entrepreneurship and building wealth? Overcoming this economic downturn does not take a lot of guts. But it does need you to crush fear because the real epidemic right now is that - fear. Adapting, preparing, and adjusting the way you do business and earn money are your lifelines and what will ultimately transition your efforts to something that will yield real money during the quarantine. How are you preparing your business to come back stronger? Where are you putting your money right now? Are you doubling down? Or are you taking the path of least resistance? If you’re serious about coming out on top, you gotta reinforce your mindset, your discipline, and your motivation. Use and abuse this quarantine time to take advantage of opportunities provided to you by available resources. Move quickly. Adapt. If you need to pivot, pivot and act fast! A curation of value-packed interviews that best explain how you should be adapting to the e