Young Entrepreneur Lifestyle 2.0

YEL 200 - How to Streamline Your Content & Dominate Social Media



In this episode of Y.E.L 2.0, your host Peter Voogd shares his tips for how to streamline content across social media platforms to grow your audience and increase engagement.   Episode Highlights: Peter has felt overwhelmed by social media in the past and it has stopped him from taking action. Figure out who you are in the marketplace. There are three types of people: Results, Role model, or Researcher. Ideally, you want to be both a results person and a role model. To dominate social media, you are ideally all three. What are your main messages to get across? Next, figure out your main platform to be consistent on—a podcast, a Facebook or YouTube live, LinkedIn, a community page on Facebook, anything. When you do one longer form live video, you can then take it and streamline it into multiple pieces of content in snippets on multiple platforms. If you can’t take care of your one fan, you’ll never reach 100 fans. When creating content, it’s not about you and how you feel on camera; it’s about the audience. B