Young Entrepreneur Lifestyle 2.0

YEL 201 - The 3 Game Changing Moves to Networking In The New Economy



In this episode of Y.E.L 2.0, your host Peter Voogd explains why you need to get good at networking, the dos and the don'ts of networking, and the three game-changing moves of networking in the new economy.    Episode Highlights: Peter Voogd discusses a book giveaway of three different autographed books of which all you have to do is comment and share this post. Networking puts you in a position to turn down opportunities that aren’t beneficial to you.  A smart person learns from their mistakes and an even more successful person learns from other people’s mistakes.   When recessions happen, the money doesn’t go away, it transfers to successful people that understand supply and demand.  When you have the wrong network, you need to change your circle of influence.   What is the wrong way to network?  Be intentional when you choose people to network with and know why you're reaching out.  What are ways you can add value to someone that you want to network with?  Who you surround yourself with is who you will be