Young Entrepreneur Lifestyle 2.0

YEL 203 - Identifying Your Unique Ability & Maximizing Your Strengths



In this episode of Y.E.L 2.0, your host Peter Voogd shares his tips for how to embark on a journey of self-discovery that allows you to identify and understand your unique abilities and strengths.   Episode Highlights: Peter listened to a David Blaine interview and found himself feeling inferior and thinking he could never do what David Blaine does. Then, David Blaine said his biggest fear is speaking in front of large crowds of people, which Peter does regularly and thinks he’s pretty good at it. Don’t compare yourself to others and identify and understand your unique abilities. Peter doesn’t really believe in passion. Start with your ideal outcome, starting with your strengths and values, then reverse engineering your plan. Choose your top values and narrow it down to your top 3. Choose 3 character traits you want to be used in your eulogy. In 3 words, what is your philosophy on living? What 3 values would you want to pass on to your grandchildren? What are 3 qualities you want in your ideal business partn