Young Entrepreneur Lifestyle 2.0

YEL 209 – The 5 Rules to Entrepreneurial Greatness



In this episode of Y.E.L 2.0, your host Peter Voogd talks about the 5 rules to entrepreneurial greatness that he has gathered from his multi-millionaire guests. They all adhere to these rules!   Episode Highlights: In the past few months, Peter has been lucky enough to interview plenty of incredible multi-millionaires There is one thing that all of Peter’s incredibly successful guests have in common Each guest has some kind of pain from their past that they use as motivation to turn adversity into an advantage People who grow up that had everything given to them usually don’t have the hunger to achieve greatness Peter’s guests have much higher standards that they set for themselves that are shaped by what they want and where they want to go You’ll get what you tolerate, so don’t tolerate being disrespected, being broke, or having bad energy around you Everyone has a thermometer, whether it’s with their health or income, that is set by their self-expectations Make a list of the things that you shouldn’t be do