Young Entrepreneur Lifestyle 2.0

YEL 211 – Creating an EPIC Finish to 2020



In this episode of Y.E.L 2.0, your host Peter Voogd tells you what mindset you should have going into the final stretch of 2020 and how to fuel yourself to an EPIC finish!   Episode Highlights: Peter is giving away clothing to subscribers of his YouTube channel You are just one decision away from changing a lifetime of bad habits and bad decisions Use your past failure as fuel and inspiration to make up for the wrong choices that you have made What separates winners from losers is that The last portion of sports games and eCommerce calendars contain up to 40% of the scoring and sales Look into the most common thoughts and tendencies in society right now and do the opposite People tend to slow down or take it easy at the end of the year, but that’s not what the winners do Most people overeat and sleep at this time of year and have no energy to create momentum for 2021 Figure out your biggest motivation from this year and use that to kill it for the rest of the year Progress is the biggest form of motivation a