Young Entrepreneur Lifestyle 2.0

A Clear Guide To Becoming Wealthy



In this episode of Y.E.L 2.0, your host Peter Voogd provides a clear guide to achieve your goals by sharing 10 traits and proven money-making focuses!   Episode Highlights: People tell themselves a plethora of lies as to why they cannot achieve their goals and become rich on the way The traditional ways of becoming wealthy are disappearing Through the internet, the wealthy are becoming younger and younger, while the poor are getting older and older Most of society has not been taught how to build real wealth because they were never taught how money works Unfortunately, the subject of money is taught at home, not at school, so bad habits are passed down from generation to generation It’s impossible to create long-term wealth if you don’t respect or value money Understanding how money works and appreciating it is the best way to solve problems and build sustained wealth Over 70% of lottery winners lose all of the money that they won in just 3-5 years because they don’t know how to handle money Before you can m