Young Entrepreneur Lifestyle 2.0

The Story Behind My First 10 Million Dollars



In this episode of Y.E.L 2.0, your host Peter Voogd shares the story behind his first 10 million dollars. From humble beginnings himself, Peter knows what it takes to achieve success from any starting point!   Episode Highlights: After dropping out of college, Peter went against everyone’s advice and started a direct-sales business in Tacoma, WA Peter sacrificed fun times with his friends in college to build his business All Peter wanted was to have something different than the 9-5 schedules that surrounded him growing up Slowly, Peter began to realize what it took to build a business and establish an incredible leadership team Doing all the wrong things taught Peter what it took to do all the right things The most important thing is that you start; you will learn what you need to along the way You must constantly seek to expand your capacity as you are learning how to become a great leader From doing $140k over 90 hour weeks to over $800k in half the hours just 2 summers later Building the right team and be