Young Entrepreneur Lifestyle 2.0

Thinking and Acting Like a Millionaire



In this episode of Y.E.L 2.0, your host Peter Voogd teaches you how to market like a millionaire. It’s all about getting in the head of your desired audience. People will only buy from you when they feel understood!   Episode Highlights: Come up with 5 reasons that someone should do business with you over your competition Don’t ever say that you are honest and ethical, show that with your actions Make your movement exclusive so that people want to be part of it; don’t sound needy Peter has had to shift from the doing of the thing to an elite marketer of the thing that you have built Marketing acts as an insight to the solution that you provide for the problems that your audience faces You can work as hard as possible and still not achieve the results and success Know that your product or service is so good that if you can’t get it out, you are doing the world a disservice Determine your audience’s real ambitions and motivations, and then provide that Peter’s biggest value is to create freedom for himself and