Young Entrepreneur Lifestyle 2.0

Tesla Talks: Don’t KILL Your Potential



In this episode of Y.E.L 2.0, your host Peter Voogd tells you what you need to do to avoid killing your potential and achieve what you never thought was possible!   Episode Highlights: You have to have someone to hold you to high standards to avoid killing your potential Pushing yourself beyond what you thought was possible is the only way to realize what you’re missing out on Since hiring a personal trainer, Peter has realized that he had become stuck in his routine Surrounding yourself with people that are smarter than you will allow you to achieve your potential Most people make the mistake of letting themselves down while focusing on not letting others down People with an abundant mindset will think long-term and achieve the best possible results Progress acts as the ultimate motivator throughout all areas of life Focus on being better than you were yesterday and you will eventually be better than your best Practice what you preach and the right people will become motivated enough to be a part of it   3