Young Entrepreneur Lifestyle 2.0

Tesla Talks: Sacrificing for the Greater Good



On this episode of Y.E.L. 2.0, your host Peter Voogd, serial entrepreneur, mentor, speaker, best-selling author, husband, and father discusses the power of mastering your reality by being willing to make sacrifices to create a life that you desire.  Episode Highlights:  Peter Voogd went on a studying spree of the world's most elite and successful people.  Value your craft over your comfort level in the current moment.   If you are not where you want to be, you need to go extra hard for it.  Peter’s fear growing up in a small town was of becoming mediocre.  Build something bigger through sacrifice.  This new era will destroy people not willing to step up and go the extra mile.  3 Key Points: You have to value your vision to be successful.    Are you willing to work seven days a week towards your goals and dreams?  If you keep following society’s norms like taking weekends off, you will end up like society.   Tweetable Quotes: “I just don’t see a lot of people willing to give up, to go up.” – Peter Voogd “