Young Entrepreneur Lifestyle 2.0

Maximize Profit & Systematize Income



Maximize Profit & Systematize Income, 10/16/2021 On this episode of Y.E.L. 2.0, your host Peter Voogd, serial entrepreneur, mentor, speaker, best-selling author, husband, and father talks about ways to maximize business profits. He gives out great tips to scale-up your business. According to him the biggest key to business is getting and keeping customers. Episode Highlights:  You can create maximum profit when there is maximum pessimism. Peter says who we associate with and who we connect with, is how our philosophy is formed in business. There is a need to have the right foundation and principles in our head before we can ever make changes. There's only one focus in business and that should be the consistent focus. Number one purpose in business is getting and keeping customer. You have to have a strong referral focus. Most businesses 90% focus on increasing number of clients. How are we viewed and positioned in the marketplace, how many testimonials do we have out there. How fast is your speed of impl