Young Entrepreneur Lifestyle 2.0

Real Wealth In 4 Steps!



In this episode of “Y.E.L. 2.0”, your host Peter Voogd, serial Entrepreneur, Mentor, Speaker, Best-selling Author, Husband and Father shares four steps that you have to follow to not just make money but to have your money really work for you. Episode Highlights:  Peter says the reality is that you'll never make money or accumulate wealth if you don't respect money. He suggests not feeling bad for respecting money and appreciating it; don't put it first but understand that it's a tool. Peter advises focussing on mastering your craft and then investing it back. The host recommends investing on four things including yourself, business, assets and amazing places, because that's when you have a lifestyle and you can have all the money in the world. 3 Key Points: As per Peter, if you want more money, you have to figure out a way to master your craft to solve a problem people care about or to add so much value, that it's impossible to ignore you. Peter pinpoints on four things successful people spend or invest mo