Young Entrepreneur Lifestyle 2.0

Tesla Talks - How to Live Like the 1%



In this episode of “Y.E.L. 2.0”, your host Peter Voogd, serial Entrepreneur, Mentor, Speaker, Best-selling Author, Husband and Father shares his thoughts on how to be happy and more fulfilled as well as the right way to take advice from people. Episode Highlights:  Peter says don't let people who have never built a dynamic lifestyle, tell you how to run yours. He states that one of the best pieces of advice he had got from one of his early mentors was to take few opinions. Peter mentions that following his advice will not only make you happy and more fulfilled but you won't have regret because you're living the best life based on what you want and not others false beliefs. 3 Key Points: According to him it's so important just to fact check everything and just be very careful who you take advice from. Just do your own due diligence to get around. Don't let people who have never built a dynamic lifestyle, tell you how to run yours. Don't let people that are fearful about certain things with our kids, affect