Why Not Now? With Amy Jo Martin

Episode 245: Shannon Lee On Evolving Bruce Lee's Legacy And Finding Her Own Identity



Shannon Lee continues to evolve her dad, Bruce Lee’s, philosophy and legacy while adding her own learnings. Her book, Be Water, My Friend: The Teachings of Bruce Lee, started as a Why Not Now? idea and is now a reality. It’s a compilation of lessons and quotes from her father, showing how martial arts can be a metaphor for personal growth and living a fully realized life. Shannon shares her father’s teachings in a tangible way.   On this episode of Why Not Now?, Shannon tells Amy Jo that, in addition to running all of the divisions of the Bruce Lee Family Company for over 20 years, she is ready to work through her own identity and do something that is completely her own.   Shannon also tells Amy Jo about her current focus on her own spirituality. She says that intuition can mean being intune with what your body feels and the messages that it’s sending you. Shannon is also working on being in her day. She uses the opportunities that days hold to mold them as they come. Shannon and Amy Jo also talk about having