Prosperity Kitchen Podcast With Gemma Mccrae

198_PK_198___Welcome to 3 Days To A Better You 2020 - Day 1 with Gemma McCrae



A 3-part mini-series that's going to kick start your 2020 like nothing else! I'm serious by the way. Deadly serious. Over the next 3 podcasts, I'm going to bring you exercises that you can do that are going to bring you clarity. Yes clarity! Sounds dull? Absolutely not. Clarity or rather confusion is one of main reasons why people come to see me. They need to clear up the confusion and the brain ache confusion is causing them and have a clear plan of action on what to do next. Over the next 3 podcasts, I'm going to bring you the exercises I use in my practice. We start with Day 1 – Don’t Have Don’t Want.