Prosperity Kitchen Podcast With Gemma Mccrae

215_PK_215___ Kick Ass At Work – Lesson 1 – The Friday To Do List



In today's podcast: Kick Ass At Work - Lesson 1 - Friday To Do List. I give you a super effective career coaching tip that's going to help you get the promotion you deserve. This forms Lesson 1, in a series of lessons I'm going to bring exclusively to you. Ok, I've covered the Kick Ass at Work series in my blog BUT I'm going to give you more tips PLUS more detail. In today's podcast I give you tip 1 which is to create your To Do List for the following week on a Friday afternoon. Sounds too simple? It is! But it's so effective I can't even begin to explain. All I need you to do, is to give yourself 30 minutes to one hour every Friday afternoon, to analyse what your To Do List is for the following week. I mean be thorough. Remove all the distractions (another lesson) and focus uninterrupted on what you need to do, It will be the first step to making you the rock star you deserve to be.