My First Band Podcast

16 – Cedric LeMoyne (Remy Zero, Alanis Morissette, Gnarls Barkley)



You probably recognize the bass lines of Cedric LeMoyne in songs by Alanis Morissette and Gnarls Barkley. You might be aware of his work with his new band, Milwaukee’s own Rose of the West. However, LeMoyne’s first band also wasn’t too shabby. Remy Zero — a group he started with friends when he was a teenager living in Alabama — was signed by a major label, dropped by said label, scooped up by another major, relocated to Los Angeles and put on tours with the likes of Radiohead, Travis and many more mainstream music heavyhitters while they waited their turn for rock and roll superstardom. That turn ultimately never came, but along the way, Remy Zero wrote the theme for Smallville, had a song on the Garden State soundtrack, toured the world and collected a ton of amazing stories. Following a session with Morissette and prior to what has the makings of a busy summer for Rose of the West, LeMoyne stopped by Milwaukee Record headquarters to tell host Tyler Maas about his uncommon and incredible experience with his