Loan Officer Online Offline

How to Market to Your Database to Generate Leads - The Online Edition



What happens when you combine the most effective online and offline marketing strategies and incorporate them into your business? A little something we like to call marketing magic. The Loan Officer Online Offline podcast series was created by Chris Johnstone (online marketing expert) and Carl White (offline marketing expert) to share their "best of both worlds" approach for upping your marketing game to the next level.  The premiere episode kicks off with a step-by-step online database marketing strategy that will set you apart from the competition, increase your exposure, and produce real results you can take to the bank! Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode: Online database marketing: Setup, Implementation, & Results How to bring the human element into your marketing materials The #1 topic to avoid that will alienate half your database Emailing and texting – how often is too often? Optimizing your database marketing to save time and energy No database? The cool thing about this strategy is that y