Never Ever Give Up Hope

How to reprogram your Brain to Better Deal with Stress



Kay Kei is a certified Herb Practitioner and Soul Coach as well as having two degrees in science and engineering, including a Masters from Berkeley.  She has worked as a geophysicist and also ran her own business as a condominium developer/builder for 15 years. Answering the Call is a book of 40 authors who all turned their unfortunate life experiences into knowledge and/or careers to help others.  One of the most exciting things about Kei is that she had declining health for four decades and after a diagnosis of breast cancer was able to take control of her health and realize optimum health for the past eight years.  She shares her journey of how she accomplished that.Kay is an energetic, intelligent, interesting guest who I thoroughly enjoyed having on my show.  She gave us insight into understanding our conscious and sub-conscious and it made SO MUCH SENSE.  Answering the Call reached number one on the Amazon Best Seller list the day of its release.