Never Ever Give Up Hope

Unresolved Anger is Radioactive Toxic Waste in your House



Tony McAleer is a former organizer for the White Aryan Resistance (WAR), Tony McAleer served as a skinhead recruiter, proprietor of Canadian Liberty Net (a computer operated voice messaging center), and manager of the racist rock band, Odin’s Law. Tony was eventually found to have contravened Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act that prohibits the dissemination of messages likely to expose groups to hatred by telephone.   However, there came a time in Tony's life when he had to make a choice.  Tony's love for his children led him on a spiritual journey of personal transformation. Financial hardship and the harsh realities of single parenthood brought him to a place of compassion and forgiveness for himself and for others. Tony has spent the past six years as principal of McAleer & Associates Wealth Management and traveling as a motivational speaker. Today he is Executive Chairman of Life After Hate and shares his practice of compassion as a presenter of Kindness Not Weakness curriculum.   LIFE AFTE