Never Ever Give Up Hope

There is no excuse for bullying - EVER



Monica Perrett lives in Australia and is the mother of six children.  She is currently writing a book on changing the law giving more rights for parents of teenage runaways.   Monica won the Mother of the Year award.  While she was out of town, receiving the award, her three-month-old son died.     Because Monica's foster son died at home, she was stripped of her rights as a parent and not allowed to attend his funeral.     With anger and determination, she single-handedly was able to get that LAW CHANGED.   No amount of bullying by any government branch could stop her!  She now intends to take her cause GLOBALLY.  She is fighting for the rights of foster parents and......for those elderly people who are being abused in nursing homes.   We need to applaud Monica and support her efforts because her cause can affect each and every one of us.   You will stand up and cheer for Monica when you listen to her heart-wrenching story and how she is making a difference in the entire world!