Never Ever Give Up Hope

Have You Considered Being A Romance Novelist?



Rebecca Owens has been a writer since she was a little girl.  After 298 rejections from literary agents, she never gave up.  In 2013, she was able to successfully fulfill her dream and publish her first novel.  She is now a member of the Romance Writers of America.   Her stories are inspired by her Native American southern American roots.   In her interview, she shares tips on the steps to take to fulfill your dream of becoming a romance novelist.   Here is a snippet from A Sister's Love   Two North Carolinian sisters, Flo and Priscilla Oxendine are entangled in a web of betrayal, grief, and loss that has spanned over the time of ten years. The entanglement started when the sisters become estranged after Priscilla did the unthinkable and betrayed Flo. Nine months later, Priscilla dropped another bombshell or two after Flo had begun to rebuild her life.   Jack Winston, Priscilla's New York attorney, and friend has been given the chore of calling her family late one autumn night with sad news of