Never Ever Give Up Hope

How To Beat Cancer Against the Odds



Marion M. Pyle's drive for excellence, artistic creativity, and leadership development have been the life forces propelling her through award-winning ventures in film, television and theater. She has an accomplished career in advertising and public relations as well. Marion is a media and communications professional. award-winning scriptwriter, producer, director, and television host. Marion is also a noted seminar leader and university professor of business communication and public speaking.   In her book, Healed, Healthy & Whole, How We Beat Cancer With Integrative Therapies & Essential Healing Strategies, she recounts the race against time to find a cure for her husband's deadly form of cancer. Her true story is a profound journey of faith that ultimately leads to healing and wholeness. Healed, Healthy and Whole is filled with hope, practical advice, proven resources, and wisdom for anyone at a crossroads with a life-threatening condition. This exceptional page-turner is a journey of d