Never Ever Give Up Hope

How to Inspire Hope in the Dark Night of the Storm



Keri Fulmore is a Medical Intuitive who helps people connect to the root of their health and emotional blockages. Keri uses a blend of medical intuition, functional medicine, and nutrition to connect with her clients.     Five years ago, Keri was bedridden with a big health crisis of body-wide nerve pain that attacked her overnight. I could barely get out of bed, let alone take care of my children.  It was one of the darkest storms of my life.    I went through a lot of hopelessness in my health storm.  The pain I had in my body was a 10 out of 10.  Everything I did, required fighting back tears.  I remember lying in bed, the pain burning me like battery acid on my nerves, feeling exhausted, crying from the depths of my soul for help.  Praying for help.  I also remember feeling like there was no way out. That my prayers were not heard.  Medically, there was nothing wrong with me.  I often wondered how I could even get better if I didn’t know what was wrong.  I reached moments in the pain where I w