Never Ever Give Up Hope

There is Always Hope -- You are Worthy and Valuable



Charlana Kelly is an author of numerous articles and three books, “You are Not Here by Accident,”  “Reaching Out with a Message of Hope” and “In Search of the King's Court.”  Charlana's accomplishments are numerous; entrepreneur, pastor, community ministry leader, Podcast Host and CEO of SpeakTruth Media Group LLC.  At the age of six, Charlana found out that she was adopted which sent her on a downward spiral into her teens and beyond.  During her interview she delves into this subject and how it can affect kids.   Charlana learned many truths on her journey such as:   What we expect to come to pass.....will   There is always hope -- you are worthy and valuable   Hopelessness is losing your expectation of good   In her interview, she explains how to find your TRUE IDENTITY and how that can change your life.  She learned this truth after she grasped the truth about her adoption.     Charlana's question to you is -- Do you have a greater purpose than what you are living today?  If so,